Saturday, August 29, 2009

Best way to loose weight

Why most people don't lose weight?

The first reason to that is that they don't have time for it. They spend 9 to 10 hours a day at work then go home to relax and unwind themselves. Weight loss is more of a decision making. Its a long term goal. Its not just something you do because you're in the mood to do so. You are your own boss when you're on this program. You make your own schedule and ask some pro if you have additional questions.

Second reason is that they think there is a shortcut to it. They see this infomercials on television that promises weight loss in a week or two. I believe some of these infomercials work but not the way you expect it to be. I tried a slimming tea before. It helped me lose weight but it does ruin my mood most of the time. I regained the whole weight back immediately. I don't know with other weight products but I think most of them have side effects even though the endorser tells you it doesn't.

Third reason is that they are already happy with themselves. They think that skipping their favorite meals will make them miserable. They even think that they are already satisfied being fat as long as they are happy. Well it does happen, but if you are really concerned about your health then think of it as part of the program. You never know one of these days, those favorite food of yours will give up on you. Do you want your doctor to tell you that you should stop eating ice cream, pizza, and mouth juicy burgers? When you're on a weight loss program, there is still word called "sacrifice". You don't need to worry about it because there is also this word called "cheat day" where you can schedule a time of eating what you want. It does happen once a week. Even I myself can't get rid of comfort foods. Please be informed that once you succeeded on your diet (which will take just a few months with one cheat day a week), you can go back on eating what you want because your metabolism is way much stronger compared on the day you started. Some even think that weight loss is for people who are too concerned about their looks.
At first I thought it was but then it wasn't. If you only think you are overweight then go on a weight loss program. If not, then just go on weight maintenance mode unless you plan to shape up for some occasion.

And lastly, they think its expensive. There are ads out there that tell us that you can get thin right away if you have a lot of money. I agree and totally disagree to that. You can get thin with liposuction but it won't really work on your metabolism. Losing weight the natural way is still the best way to loose weight. It will boost your metabolism which will further allow you to eat more. Did you notice how models endorse food products like pizza? They just take a small bite and recommend it to people! These models do have some money to burn.


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Monday, August 24, 2009

Eat six small meals a day

I was actually thinking about it right now. Its a type of program where you eat 400 calories per meal(according to my diet plan) because excess calories turned into stored fat. Its also defined as to stop eating when you're full. Why should I eat 6 meals a day? I know that our body burns calories even if you're not doing anything. Probably the reason why we should eat 6 meals a day is to prevent muscle loss and ofcourse to trim that tummy fat. If I starve myself, its going to get some energy from my muscles. I don't want that to happen. I was also thinking about cardio. It lowers overall body fat percentage. Overall means fat from everywhere including arm muscles which isn't good at all. I do heard that when you do cardio after workout, it won't let you lose muscles. Although its pretty confusing at the moment. I know it is really hard to stick to this kind of program (Eat six small meals a day) but I guess I'll give it a shot. When temptation strikes again, like eating out with my buddies, I'll take full control of it for the sake of the small tummy fat I need to reduce. I know that I can't stick to this program forever but I do know as well that it boosts metabolism.


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Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Will you stick on your diet?

When I decided to lose weight a few months ago, I had some thoughts going on a diet. I started to get rid of the temptations surrounding me. The people around me tempt me a lot with food and its really hard to get rid of it. I even came to the hardest point where depression takes place. Its like you're addicted to something and you have to go on rehabilitation to get rid of it. Sometimes they even offer me some alcoholic drinks every time there is party. Anyway, what I did was forget about the diet plan. Whenever I read about diet plans, I hear stuff like "do not eat this and eat that". Is it really possible? Yes it is but its also frustrating. So I started to do some cardio. It was quite fun and it really does burn some calories. A few days after, I got addicted to it. I still eat what I want its just that I do it in moderation. Lets say for example a friend invites me to go to Mcdonalds, I really find it hard to resist the quarter pounder meal upgraded to large fries and soda. I substitute soda with diet soda. Before, I used to go for an extra fries and nuggets. Moderation for me means sticking to one meal. I don't mean one meal a day. What I meant was one meal every breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, and dinner. The healthier the foods are, the more you'll lose weight. My point here is that junk foods can also help you lose weight if you eat them in moderation. It really does work though. Whenever I feel ready for cardio, I do it to burn some extra calories.


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Sunday, August 16, 2009

Serious in losing tummy?

Im planning to make my tummy become flat so it means that I have to give up my weight maintenance for now. I've been on weight loss vacation for 4 months now. During that time, I eat whatever I want although I still manage to balance it. When I eat a box pizza today, I make sure that I eat salad and oatmeal the next day. Its some type of calorie shifting that I know. Anyway, moving to the topic, Im really serious now in flatenning my tummy. So for now, I need to focus on my diet. I have to sacrifice the taste of Chilis burger, potato chips, sodas, and ice creams. My actual plan is to replace them with healthy ones. Just in case I can't get rid of them, I'll make a schedule on when to eat them. I'll probably schedule it on a Saturday. I know there are diet pills that can help but I won't rely on it because I don't want to ruin my metabolism which makes me eat more during weight maintenance period without worrying about weight gain. I love eating. Cardio? I know it reduces overall body fat but it makes me worry that it might shrink my muscles. Ofcourse I don't want to look sick. What about beer? Uhmm... According to weight loss experts its alright to drink 2 bottles of beer in a day. Maybe I'll just substitute it with a hard drink like rhum and brandy without any additionals.

I'll be doing this in a few weeks. I know I've done this before and it really did work.

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Article about flattening tummy:

Bulging belly? Foods that shrink your stomach

Monday, August 10, 2009

Why people go to the gym? (motivation)

In the past, I thought people who build muscles do it because they want to look attractive. I suddenly asked why they do it. Aren't they satisfied with their bodies? They may have a body like that but does it change their eating pattern as well? I also thought that those people are conscious when it comes to eating. I gave it a try to be like them a few years ago. I went to this gym and the instructor told me that I should eat less. The instructor also told me that I should stop eating junk foods. 3 months of having that kind of thought in the gym made me give up. I felt like I was so vane. My friends and relatives even made fun of me whenever we go to a party because they think that Im so conscious with my body. I even have thoughts that a slice of pizza, which is one of my favorite food, will make me fat.

I didn't go to the gym anymore after that. I went back to my old eating and drinking habits. I even had a date that time who was a manager of a french restaurant. Food suddenly becomes a habit for me again. I ate a lot and exercised less. Every time my friends invite me on a drinking session after office hours, I didn't say no to them. I never even cared about how much sugar and transfat I consume as long as the food taste good. A few months after that, I noticed that these fatty foods and addicting alcoholic beverages gave up on me. I remember every time I eat a large burger, I feel like my heart begins to go weak and I feel dizzy. I went to a doctor and the doctor asked me if I do exercise? I said just a little. He even asked me how bad I eat? I told him "most of the time whenever food is around". The doctor informed me that I should go to a sport program to pay off my happy go lucky lifestyle. I can't think of any sport that is why I decided to go back to the gym. Am I going to do it just to become vane again? I guess not that is why I went to do some research online. Here is what I learned so far:

1. Muscles burn fat. One of the classic ways to have it is to go to the gym, eat the right foods, and rest well. I also read an article before that says weight lifting can burn sugar.

2. Looking good shouldn't be your goal if you're going to the gym. It will only result to some sort of insecurity. Your main reason to go to the gym is to live a healthy life.

3. If you want to make changes in your body, follow what your instructor says. But if you want to maintain your figure even if its a six pack, you can still eat junk foods.

4. Weight lifting won't make you become bigger right away. Gaining big arms is way too harder than getting a flat tummy.

5. Doing cardio after weight lifting will help you lose more weight and can defeat weight loss plateau.

Gym has become a part of my lifestyle after knowing these things. It did work for me and I hope it works with others as well. My point of view of why people go to the gym become different. Although there are still some who do it to look good because of their job. I still drink beer, eat a lot of pizza, and consume some sweets without gaining weight and feeling bad. The gym also thought me the importance of eating the right food too. Whenever I feel demotivated, I just follow the 3rd one above.

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Thursday, August 6, 2009

Whey Protein vs Weight Gainer

3 months ago, I bought this Gold Standard Whey. Its a Protein shake used to build up muscles. I remember I was kinda confused on what will I buy whether its Weight Gainer or just a protein shake. A friend of mine told me that I should only buy weight gainer if I really look lame. Imagine someone that is super thin. The sales person informed me that I should go on weight gainer (it was done over the phone that is why he doesn't see me). In fact, the sales person told me that I shouldn't worry about gaining all the weight and tummy back when I buy a weight gainer because building arm & chest muscles is way too harder than flattening your tummy. When I succeeded on my weight loss program, my body looked a little bit not proportional that is why I decided to gain some muscles. Instead of trusting the sales person, I just went to my friend's advice instead. He tried the weight gainer and he gained a big tummy but the positive side on that is he gained some arm mass too. After 3 months of using the Whey Protein, I noticed that my arms didn't get that big at all. One thing good about the Whey Protein is that it can help you lose weight but the instructions doesn't say that you should do it. It just went in shape but not as I expect it should be. Probably next time, I'll buy Mega Mass and not worry about gaining the fat back in my tummy because cardio is way too fun and easy. I'll probably gain some arms and chest I guess if I combine it with proper work out. Once the goal has been achieved, I'll buy a protein shake again to tone them.

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Eating more to lose weight

I remember watching the documentary film "Super size me". There was this scene here about a guy who lost weight eating a Subway sandwich on every meal. The guy even have some picture as evidence that he lost weight doing it. There is also one scene here where a guy, who had a record of most Big Macs eaten, is not even fat at all. Most of my friends think that when they are on a diet, they should eat less or not at all. I remember my dad went on fasting the whole day when he ate a huge burger meal the day before. I even recall my mom telling my big cousin that he should eat more because he is big. She even reminded him that when he goes on a diet, he'll get weak and die. Those are the diets that I've learned in the past. A diet that is interpreted the wrong way.

Eating can make you lose weight as long as you eat right. If most of your calories are based on fats like the ones found on burgers, then don't expect that you'll lose weight even if you eat it in small portions. You can lose weight if you combine the small portions with exercise but you won't get a nice figure after. If most of the calories you consume are made up of vitamins, high in fiber and protein, and low in fat, you'll probably lose some weight. If you add exercise to it, you'll lose more and have a proportional figure. Whenever you feel hungry, substitute junk foods with fruits. You can eat as much as you want to without worrying about how many calories it has because most fruits have negative calories which means that this calories need calories to burn.
If in case you think that this diet expensive, I bet it is not and it is way too cheaper than junk foods. Im the type of person who is addicted to rice. I just substitute it with brown rice so that I can have complex carbohydrates and a good digestion. If Im in the mall and brown rice is not available, I just order something made of wheat bread which is high in fiber.

Its really hard to get rid of delicious foods especially if you're someone like me who grew up surrounded by it. There are a lot of healthy foods out there that are addicting too. Salad, grapes, oranges, oats, almonds, and veggies can be addicting. Its just that most unhealthy ones are the ones being advertised as cheap while the healthy ones are not.

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Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Losing weight when you're alcoholic

Most experts say that alcoholic people don't lose weight. Its because alcohol blocks fat. Its scientifically true but what if alcohol is part of your lifestyle? Im the type of person who drinks every weekend but I did lost some weight. Eventhough I drink that much, I try to make sure that I exercise a lot once the hangover and headache is gone. I don't exercise the day after the drinking session. I exercise on the second day. In case I drink, I usually go for the hard ones because they are low in calories and doesn't have carbohydrates in it like beer. Drinks like rhum, brandy, vodka, and tequila. I just drink water as my chaser and a side dish of lemon instead of fatty ones. There maybe times that I can't resist beer with my friends so what I do after that is punish myself with a 45 minute cardio after 1 day. Its also hard to resist the food once you get drunk. If one is really serious in losing weight, drinking should be done moderately which means that you don't need to get drunk every night or every other night. Drinking is part of most people's lives thats why its hard to get rid of it unless your parents train you to live a healthy life since birth. Drinking alcohol doesn't actually prevents you to lose weight. It only prolongs your weight loss.

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Saturday, August 1, 2009

Weight loss the hard way vs easy way

There are so many tips out there to lose weight. I just divide it in to two which is the hard way and the easy way. Whats the difference between the two anyway? Lets start with the easy way. There are some channels on TV that promote weight loss products like equipments, herbal teas, pills, and other programs that will help you lose weight. Some of them work, some of of them don't. Some even promise that you will lose 25 lbs in two weeks if you strictly follow their program. In my opinion, it can be true. I do remember 2 years ago, I tried drinking this herbal tea that made me lose 10 lbs in 2 weeks. The disadvantage that I got here is that it led me to some mood swings. It also gave me a feeling of a bathroom rush over and over which is kinda frustrating. I gained those 10 lbs back a few weeks after even though I was on weight maintenance mode. After that, I didn't consider trying that herbal tea again and I even stopped relying on those weight loss ads.

2 years after that incident, I noticed that I've been gaining some weight. I had this kind of lifestyle where I eat whatever I want. I even thought that vegetables can make you fat that is why I keep eating some meat and junk food. Then after that, I decided to lose some weight again. I was thinking if I'll do it the easy way again. I chose to do it the natural way which is proper diet and exercise. At first I thought diet is more of cutting portions of your meal which is kinda demotivating to listen to. People I know keep telling me those kind of stuff for many years. I then noticed that its more of a meal replacement. Thats the time I realized that I should start eating some healthy stuff like wheat and vegetables. These foods are really low in calories. Your friends won't even notice that you're on a diet even if you fill up your plate with a lot of salad. Just watch out for the mayo dressing. I combined these diet with jogging, swimming, and weight lifting. Although it didn't made me lose a lot of weight in a month. It took around 6 months for those people I know to notice some weight change I had.

After that, I went on maintenance mode meaning I will stick to my daily calorie limit which is 2400 calories a day. I eat whatever I want. If I crave for a Chillis burger, I go for it. But ofcourse, I balance my meal. If I had a big lunch, I go for a lite dinner. If I spend the whole day eating a box of pizza, I'll spend tomorrow with a salad meal all through out the day. It really depends on the situation.

We can actually lose weight the easy way but its pretty frustrating because we will gain it back right away. It doesn't really focus on working your metabolism. Even vegetables can make you regain your weight back if you chose this way. If you really can't give up junk food just like I'am, its better that you'll lose weight the harder way. The rewards are great although it requires a lot of time and patience.

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