I decided to go to the gym. In order to make the process quick, I invested on a whey protein. I drink it immediately after workout. I lessened my cardio to once a week. Sometimes I do it on times when I had too much fat and cholestorol on my body. I really can't skip temptation most of the time. I focused more on muscle building which is one of the best weight gaining tips. I also eat 6 small meals a day. Sometimes its more than 6 cause my rule is not to get myself hungry. I stepped on a weighing scale this morning and noticed that I have gained around 9 pounds. Its ok because when I measured my waist and tummy with a measuring tape, I noticed that I lost 1 1/2 inch. I also measured my arm size. Just noticed a little addition to it's size but thats ok. That could probably the reason why I gained weight. I will continue this program and still take note of its progress. Well then this are just a few weight gaining tips to share for now.