I tried to make my own instruction on how I can create a perfect steak still using the 9 minute marinator. What I did was I added the ingredients in the container, put the steak in it together with the meat tenderizer, closed then pumped the marinator to open the steak's pores, released the pressure again, then closed and pumped it another time in a different steak position. After that I put it in the machine where the container rotates. It auto stopped 9 minutes after. I grilled the steak after that. I was kinda worried that the steak might be hard again but when I eat it, it wasn't anymore. It really taste good this time.
So whats my opinion about the 9 minue marinator? All I can say that its worth buying. It really saves you time in cooking a gourmet meal. The only scam thing about it is the way the instruction was delivered in the ad and in the booklet. But in case you follow what I suggested above, you won't regret buying this simple machine. If it worked on the steak, it probably will work on other type of meat and vegetables as well. I'll be giving this product 2 thumbs up. Its also good on vegetable salads if you're on a diet. Its also fun to mix chicken and tuna combined with some natural fruit juice.
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