Before anything else, I want you to read this article I just read awhile ago which totally inspired me to become a weight loss blogger. Its not about weight loss. Its just a reminder that I don't need to be some professional on a topic.
I really have no intentions before to become a weight loss blogger. First of all, Im not an expert. Im not a nutritionist. I don't have any degree on nutrition and other health stuff. I just live a normal life like most individuals out there. Just like most people, I drink beer, alcohol, and non diet sodas. I do drink them but not most of the time. I also love junk food but I eat them in moderation. Its just that I succeeded on losing weight and I do love the feeling of sharing it with others.
So what are the reasons why I decided to become a weight loss blogger? There are so many niches to choose from and this is the one I'am really passionate about. I love movies, tv shows, video games, and music. Its just that I can't blog on those and I get a different feeling when I blog about weight concerns. I feel like I can do it for FREE! I may not be a doctor, physiologist, professional dietician, or a certified gym trainer but some people around me kept asking questions over and over on how I lost some weight. Why just hide it if I can share it? Good thing I found a way to share it online which I know will reach a lot of people someday. Another good reason why I blog about this is that I can easily relate to others in a lot of ways. Ever heard a doctor tell you to drink beer? No. They will tell you to stop it completely. What about a dietician telling you that its alright to eat pizzas and burgers even if its only once a week? I bet there are only a few. I remember around 2 years ago, I went to this gym. I told the gym instructor that I wanted to lose weight. The gym instructor told me that I should TOTALLY STAY AWAY from sugars, junk foods, alcohol, and things most people like to eat. Exercise more and eat less. Its no wonder why a lot of people in this world think that weight loss is a total hell of a struggle and thats because experts informed them what my gym instructor informed me before. I left the gym after 2 months because I never felt motivated by my trainer's advice.
I decided to do things on my own. I do admit that I lost weight doing some research online. If I can't follow what the experts are saying online, I go to another article. Ever since I started deciding on the program, I informed myself that I will never give up my favorite foods. Most of my friends are alcoholic and its pretty hard to resist them during weekends. I also admit that my brother loves to bring 3 boxes of pizza twice a week. I myself admit that I can't resist it. I can even eat 6 '18' inch slices of it without worrying about weight gain for as long as I STICK TO THE RULES of weight maintenance.
Anyway, I'll be sharing my realistic weight loss tips on my updates. I already made blogs about it and there is more to come.
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