Monday, January 11, 2010

Weight loss doubts

Ever started an exercise program and then you suddenly stopped because of thinking that you might not succeed? Ever went on a diet program and told yourself that you don't want to continue it because you don't know if you're doing it right? There may be a lot of weight loss books out there to choose from and most people get confused on which one is right and which one is wrong. In order to lose weight, you have to believe in yourself. In order to believe in yourself, you must be comfortable with the program you are choosing. When I started to lose some weight, I had doubts that I will never eat that much again. Guess what? I didn't give up.

I did research on some way where I could still eat whatever I want after I succeed in this program. Since there were so many options to choose from in loosing weight, I picked Tom Venuto's "Burn the fat, Feed the muscle program." Im not actually promoting his book Its just that he is totally honest when it comes to weight loss and his advice on it makes me feel comfortable. I know most people would think they will be comfortable on those weight loss ads they see on TV that promises great results in a few weeks. I did try them but then I didn't like the results. I just knew that there is no such thing as quick fix. Doubts usually occur on weight loss. Its normal. Just continue what you normally and comfortably do and there's a guarantee that you'll go on permanent weight loss in time. Don't rely too much on instant weight loss. Good luck!

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Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Maintaining weight even on holidays

The holidays are over. I wasn't able to blog last month because of my busy holiday schedule. Thank goodness I only gained atleast a pound or two. Its really hard to get rid of food once its in front of you. I never even attended a gym session for the past 3 weeks. It made me feel the gym pain again when I worked out 2 days ago. The reason why I only gained a few pounds is because of my strong metabolism. This month Im gonna work out on it again by eating 6 low calorie meals a day and hitting the gym again. I just love the idea of maintaining my weight no matter how much I eat. Maybe its because I also do walk a lot. Although its time to get serious again because summer is just a few months away. Most people I know do have a resolution of weight loss. My new years resolution is to lose the little tummy fat which I guess takes 2 months of discipline. Happy New Year to all my blog readers! Good luck on your weight loss journey.

Friday, November 27, 2009

How long does it take to lose weight?

How long does it take to lose weight? I do see a lot of weight loss ads that promises instant results in losing weight. Most suggest that you can lose a lot of weight in about a month. True? Well, seeing these ads brought a lot of excitement to me. I even thought about liposuction in the past because thinking that it will produce instant results. Somehow its very expensive. Its true that you can lose a lot of weight in a month but its not going to work your metabolism. If your metabolism isn't good at all, you'll gain back all the weight you've lost instantly. Although there are some ads that promises that they will also work on your metabolism. Its just that you'll still eat junk foods because your body is used to it.

The best way to lose weight is still the old fashioned way which is diet and exercise. Remember that you won't see changes in a month. You'll probably see changes in about 6 months or more. Just don't worry if it takes long because its more of a lifestyle change. Once you succeeded on weight loss using the old fashioned tips that I gave (diet and exercise), you'll notice that you can eat as much as you want without worrying about weight gain. Your body will get used to exercise. It will also get used to the food that you eat. I myself noticed that I've been eating a lot of clean stuff ever since I succeeded in my weight loss. I do eat junk foods but I don't crave for it the way I craved with it before.

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Sunday, November 8, 2009

Automatic Diet

A lot of people asked me how I lost weight. I gave them the typical weight loss advice. The hardest advice they can't take is go on a diet. Dieting is really hard especially if you become tempted by comfort foods most of the time. Even I myself had a hard time dealing with it. Anyway, I know of a program called "automatic diet". I just noticed this program myself. Its automatic because it just happens. The first thing you need to do before it happens is to exercise more. Stick to your standard eating habits first. If you have a hard time giving up that mouth watery juicy burger, that is fine as long as you exercise. Discipline yourself with some exercise. I do schedule my exercise in the afternoon. I do 30 - 45 minutes cardio but I don't do cardio immediately after eating. Weeks after doing it, I noticed that my eating habits started to change. I began eating a lot of fruits and vegetables. I did neglect them before. I even noticed that my point of view with junk foods changed. That is how the automatic diet works. The good thing about it is that this automatic diet is really fun. You won't feel the grudge of dieting when you do this kind of program. Its just automatic!

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Friday, October 23, 2009

Weight loss books. Do we need it?

If you're totally serious in losing some weight, you probably need to invest on a weight loss book. There are many kinds of weight loss books depending on how you want to lose weight. Most people want to lose weight. First thing they do is ask someone, whether an expert or not, on how to lose weight. Some read blogs and some do what their mind is telling them. In case they ask an expert on how to lose weight and the expert suggested them a thing that they can't do, they easily give up. When they rely too much on blogs, a different opinion from another will totally change their mind. Whenever they rely on their personal thought about weight loss, they lose motivation once the mood is gone. Books are more of a daily guide. It helps you become motivated.

Weight loss requires knowledge. Its not as easy as you think. There are many ways to lose weight and all people have different perspective when it comes to it. When I decided to lose weight, I decided not to give up junk foods. I went online and read a lot of blogs that made me confused. After days of research, I bought a book titled "Burn the fat, Feed the muscle" by Tom Venuto. He does have some tips there on how one can lose weight without giving up the food he/she loves. Well that is my point of view in losing weight. I know others have a different point of view on how they can lose weight.

Weight loss books are really a great source for weight loss. Just remember to stick to one weight loss book that you love. It takes a week of research to find out what it is. Do you want to lose weight the normal way? Do you want to lose weight without giving up junk foods just like I do? Do you want to lose weight without giving up beer? Do you just want to lose your tummy fat? Its up to you to find out what book is for you.

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